*Success* – The Challenge

What is SUCCESS?

I just found this image in the facebook wall of a friend, I love the image because it expresses a lot in little words, the image is just awsome! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when I saw it.

My Challenge, for you my bloggin friends is the next one.
I challenge you to tell me in a comment: WHAT DOES THE WORD SUCCESS, MEANS TO YOU?
I will post The best answer or answers (to my criteria down here)

Indeed, by the way, I realized after reading all your posts that each of all you my blogging friends are winners:

  1. Firts of all, to having the courage to answer the question.
  2. Second, because there is no good-wrong answer, is just about being.
  3. So I will thank words withpurpuse for the phrase “I think each of us defines it in our own unique way”

It is true, each of us have and gave a very diffrent meaning to what the word SUCCESS means?
Thanks a lot, every one for your answers, for taking part in this challenge. I loved them all, each one of them, in a very personal-unique way, because I learned from you all, each day, it was great to read all of your answers and getting to know you little bit more.

For me: SUCEESS, is about happiness, about family and friends, about learning from mistakes and celebrating achievements, about enjoying each day, about being empathic with others, about loving and being loved, about enjoying nature and taking care of our house called Earth, but….
Mostly of all, about achieving our goals, which ever they are for each of us.


28 Replies to “*Success* – The Challenge”

  1. Success for me is simple if our fellow blogger still using my creation like you do here,my versatile blogger Oscar award i really love it, Kate kresse Candle lighter award glowing candle I love it too hummm what else, yes your post a week spinning logo with this all creation of mine i called it success ,The most of it THE SUNDAY POST with the flying Dragon badge .cheers 🙂

    1. Hey my friend!! Thanks a lot for you answer, and for your participation.
      And indeed lovley creations, thanks for sharing with us as well. 🙂
      Hope you are having a great weekend!!

  2. To me Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. Thanks for asking me to join in Andrea. You are so sweet! 🙂

    1. Thanks to you Sonel, as always my great dearest friend!
      Love having you as blogging friend, because I also like your work 🙂

      Thanks a lot for your words, I agree with you success is the road to happiness, considering what success means, to every each of us. 😉

  3. Success can mean many things to many people, and at different times in their lives. It can be finishing a painting, to learning how to knit, to mastering the recipe you’ve been trying to do for years, or finally meditating every day. It is endless in my mind. Very cute poster by the way Andrea!

    1. Thanks for your words my friend.

      I totally agree with you, as they say “each head is a whole different world” jejeje so, with that, success can mean everything each of us believe.

      Thanks for your answer and for stopping by! Hope you are having a great weekend my friend! 🙂

  4. Ultimate success comes from a song I believe Van Morrison wrote and Rod Stewart sang, Have I Told You That I Love You . . . ‘that at the end of each day, we can give thanks and praise to the ONE, to the ONE.
    A delightful post! xoxo

    1. Thanks my friend for your lovely words!
      I agree with you, we mut live each day as there were no tomorrow, we never know what could happen!

      Cheers! Great weekend to you. 🙂

  5. El éxito para mi es algo tan relativo como subjetivo. Porque no siempre es lo que vemos, (como bien se plasma en la imagen). Lo importante es que seamos felices y que hagamos lo que nos guste o lo que nos retribuya económicamente. Permitiéndonos hacer las cosas que deseemos verdaderamente. Para poder evolucionar y ser más plenos. Si bien es verdad que para que todo esto se cumpla; primero tenemos que poder cubrir las necesidades básicas.

    1. Hola!
      Muchas gracias por tu respuesta y por tu participación y si, estoy totamente de acuerdo contigo, el éxito es muy relativo, para cada persona, y considera muchos factores y variables diferentes, al mismo tiempo eso es lo que lo hace tan agradable, seguir luchando por aquello que consideramos necesario y satisfactorio.

      Gracias por tu comentario, y por tus palabras, sabias palabras, he decir, jeje.
      Espero que tengas un excelente comienzo de semana y como dicen…

      Mucho éxito en todo lo que te propongas! 🙂

  6. Success to me is many things. For me, it’s trying to please God, trying to follow Jesus, being happy in every area of my life, and trying to bring happiness to my loved ones. It’s not about how much money I make or what particular thing I do, as long as I enjoy myself and enjoy those around me. Mostly, it is cherishing those I love most and traveling along this journey called life with them, because at the end of the day, to me, that’s what matters most, my sweet loves (this includes closest family members, furbabies, and friends, because all of these are family).

  7. success is connection. connection to another person or being, to the night sky or the aspen leaves, to our work or our exercise. success is losing oneself in the majesty of the moment. tonight I had a most successful night connecting with such a beautiful friend. to me, the triumph over seperation is communion, spirit, and love- and that is success. thanks for asking!!

    1. The plasure is mine!
      Thanks a lot for your answer and to stopping by at my blog.
      I agree with your words, still as I said it, each of us gave to the word success their own meaning based on our own principles, experience, and goals.

      Have a great day! 🙂

    1. Hey my dear friend!
      I agree with your words, because that mean you lived your life plenty of happiness!
      Thanks for your words!

      Have a great week! 🙂

  8. Great question Andrea! And I love the picture too! As for success, I think each of us defines it in our own unique way. For me personally, it’s embracing every precious moment of my life. I don’t take anything for granted because I believe each day is a blessing. More importantly, I think being successful in life means having empathy for all living things. I don’t believe that I can truly be a success without being a good steward of our precious planet. So, success to me is not selfish. It’s about striving to make a difference in a meaningful way. By the way, Happy Earth Day to you this Sunday! 🙂

    1. My dear friend!! Thanks a lot for your lovley words.
      As I already say it in my post, success can mean whatever each of us want, considering all that surrounds us.

      I love your deffinition, and your words, because as you have already say it
      “each of us defines it in our own unique way”.

      So I totally agree with your answer, thanks for sharing it with us, and for stopping by! Hope you are having a great weekend! 😀

      1. Wow! What a wonderful surprise Andrea! That’s really kind of you to put my quote in your post. And I really love your answer to the question. You are an inspiration to me. “Happy Earth Day” my friend! 🙂

  9. to me, success is not the goal, but the road you walk upon, since there is no failure, only feedback, I believe success is enjoying the process of getting wherever you want to go (or becoming whatever you want to be). enjoying the process becomes so blissful there’s no room for judgement or fear

    big hug!

    1. Hey my dear friend! Always enjoying your words, thanks a lot for sharing.
      You always make me think about life, btw loving when you do so jejeje
      Thanks for your thought! xD

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