Cómo funciona Instagram: ¡algoritmo revelado!

Excelente artículo sobre instagram, me encantó el contenido. Súper actual y bueno para aplicar y poner en práctica.

Mi Negocio Creativo

A finales de mayo recibí un comentario de uno de mis seguidores en Instagram que le gustaba mucho mi perfil, pero que me recomendaba utilizar menos hashtags por el tema de “shadowban”, ya que escuchó consejos sobre este tema en YouTube y vió que yo siempre utilizaba muchos….

Había muchísimas leyendas urbanas y mitos sobre Instagram y su algoritmo. El algoritmo fue una enigma total y todos los expertos intentaban ofrecer su mejor visión sobre esta red social para atraer seguidores. La palabra “shadowban” o “shadowbanning” horrorizaba a los seguidores, se crearon muchos artículos, talleres, curso sobre como evitar el “shadowban”….. Hasta que a principios de junio Julian Gutman, el product lead de Instagram reveló en una reunión con periodistas en San Francisco cómo de verdad funciona Instagram.

Estoy muy feliz que Instagram decidió aclarar estos asuntos. Porque a mí siempre me parecía tan absurdo que Instagram te ofrece la…

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Planning my adventure – Part 2

The plan is going very well. I still have a month left before leaving to Thailand. However, there are several things that I have to keep in mind before starting the trip. Later I will be publishing some posts with some links to websites and other interesting blogs from other travelers that were very useful for me while I was planning my trip.

Among all the things left to be done, I had lots of doubts going around in my head and lots of things still remaining to be done, before departure. Somewhat some of the were too difficult to be solved because among my friends, many of them had gone backpacking to Europe, but none of them had go before to Southeast Asia, so I had no one nearby to get my questions solved or ask for opinions.

The questions were as follows:

  • Thai Visa for Mexican
  • Which type of suitcase is most appropriate and what should I pack?
  • How to set up a travel medicine cabinet?
  • How much time will I travel and what budget will I set?

The most important thing is to decide the type of trip you will be doing and the time that you want to be traveling, because the answer to those questions depend on it. I confess that I have no traveling plan defined yet the only thing I know is that I am traveling to Thailand to volunteer there for one month. I do not have planned my schedule yet, or how long I will stay in the country, or whether if I am going to leave the country and then enter again; nor which countries I will be visiting and for how long; so I don’t have any idea of the best route to follow during my trip. That leads you to make lots of mistakes during your trip, but also helps you to learn from them over as time pass by and on the go.

What I did decided was, that I was going on a trip backpacking on my own, and traveling alone through Southeast Asia and that my trip will be starting in Bangkok, the capital and one of the main cities of Thailand. I did not know how much money I will be spending, but I would try to travel in low budget and cheap as possible. That way I can make the money yield as much as I can, with that I can be able to travel around the country and then move to neighboring countries.  The only thing I had in my mind was that in Thailand, at least I would stay for one or two months and that my whole trip through Southeast Asia will be about three to four months.

There are some important considerations specially when traveling for a long time in a foreigner country or if you plan to travel and move also between countries and cities. Before you decide to leave, is important for you to review all the visa requirements and consider this in your budget and travelling plans, it can save you time and headaches.


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